23 October 2009

Fingerprint Friday

How many blessings can you find in this story?

A co-worker recently faced a second surgery to correct a life-threatening situation. The first surgery had been performed earlier in the year (unsuccessful), and my co-worker had exhausted sick leave and vacation time. Insurance benefits were beginning to run out as well.

One person sent out one email asking all employees if they could help. It has been a difficult year for my employer. We've had layoffs, budget cuts and uncertainty in abundance. Nevertheless, we continued to give via our monthly charity jeans days, and we supported other special efforts by individuals seeking to raise funds for additional causes.

That one email asked if we had anything left to give after all the giving we've done all year. I personally did not have a dime to donate, having just overspent my vehicle maintenance budget three times this year. But I did have something I could donate that I wasn't sure many others would. I have unused vacation time. I don't burn off my PTO the minute I receive it. I always try to set some aside for "just in case."

We are allowed to donate our time to a co-worker in cases of emergency. To me, this a tremendous way to offer help when finances are tight.

I didn't know if anyone else would have vacation time to donate, and I didn't know if anyone would have any money to give after everything we've donated to all year long.

My co-worker is back on the job this week, and recovery is going well this time. Turns out several employees donated vacation time, and the co-worker who went through surgery ended up with enough paid time off to get through the recovery period. Also, we collected enough money to help pay costs the insurance would not cover, even though many had no money to give. I was astounded when I heard the total amount raised.

I'm so glad to see my co-worker back at work and smiling again. Friendship and camaraderie are such wonderful things!

Steven Curtis Chapman sings:

I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with
The fingerprints of God

PamperingBeki challenges bloggers each Friday to discover, recognize and see God's fingerprints and share them with the rest of the world. See instructions to join in here. Also check the other blogs linked there to see more great Fingerprints!


  1. That is awesome! What a wonderful story. Reminds me of the loaves and the fishes...where everyone gives what they can, and the total is amazing. Where I work, we are allowed to donate some of our vacation time anonymously to a "caring bank" to help other employees. Ours is a large company of over 1000 employees, and we never know who we help but it's still a good feeling to know you're helping someone who really needs it.

  2. Such a beautiful illustration of how to bless and love each other. This policy of allowing employees to donate their PTO to others is new to me and one of the best ideas I have heard of. Thanks for sharing this...I'm sure the blessings will continue on and on as a result of this post.

    Thanks for commenting on my Fingerprint post. I "Googled" purple cosmos and the mystery was solved. My flower is indeed purple cosmos! Thanks for your help!

  3. You gave something that was really special.
    What a world we could have if we all gave something..Wonderful.
    Happy Fingerprint Friday.

  4. What a wonderful testimony to "loving your neighbor" and "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." You must like going to work each day knowing you work with such kind people.

  5. i am truly humbled by you, what a kind, generous act. This is not evidence of God's fingerprint but His whole handprint : ) God bless you.

  6. One of the things I love about this "Link Within" widget is that it just grabs my attention and takes me to amazing little (and big) gems you've posted in the past. From here on out, I'm clicking at least one for every current post I read! This is beautiful. It's full of the light and goodness and down-to-earth awesomeness that is YOU.

    Blessings? I count you multiple times, every time I count mine.

    Glad to be here, gladder still to share the journey with you.


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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