07 June 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Smoky Sunrise
chilly start
rest stop
rest stop
sweets and salts
rest stop
rest stop
Roller Coaster Road
Roller Coaster Road
halfway point
rest stop entertainment
rest stop
rest & stretch
heading out
train stop
Smile and say cheese!
The End


  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

    I Like photo #2 the most. The silhouette of biker, the fence and the sunset. Beautiful!


  2. Great cycklingday(s), have a nice week :)

  3. Alllll those bikes and all I can think is those bananas look good until I get to the trail mix lol and now I want an orange... Interesting name for a road. Looks like every one had a great time.

  4. You had me at the first photo. What a breath-taking sight!

    I have my sons' killer smiles as entry for this week! Check it out here!

    Happy WW!

  5. I really enjoyed your photos. I wish it wasn't a Wordless Wednesday post now so that I would know if you finished the marathon. How long was it and a gazillion other questions that ran through my head as I scrolled the post. The photo of the rider at dawn was amazing. The children near the snacks look like they are having a good time.

  6. What a great sequence - especially love how the first ones are so beautful and tranquil then wham - toilets and a big taste of reality. Great!

  7. Oh, I love sunsets! The colors you captured are beautiful. I think Rollercoaster Road would have killed me ;-) Thank you!

  8. I love all those circles of the bicycles laying on the ground!

  9. Very nice series of photos. Great way to tell the story of the day, from sunrise to finish line, nice job. Happy WW!

  10. The sunrise photos are gorgeous.
    And the other documents are quite impressive, all the rows and rows of snacks...

  11. So many great and interesting photos!
    The one with all the portable toilets is quite funny :)

  12. Great photos! My cousin loves to ride her bike and would have loved to have been there! Loved all your photos! Have a beautiful day! xoxo Kim

  13. the world of a biker. :) At least you are not cold any longer. :)

    The first two shots are really great. So nice sunsets. And the biker riding right into it. :)

  14. 1379 miles!!!!!
    The pictures certainly DO say everything. I felt sorry for all those tired bikes trying to lay down and rest!

  15. For some reason I really liked the giant tubs of pretzels.

    Any picture of cyclists going down a road is so fascinating and alluring - to me at least. It just seems to call to me and make me ache to be on that road myself.

    (And the less worthy part of me is always thinking, "How do they look so good in their cycling shorts, when I look like a bifurcated sausage in a too-tight casing wearing mine?")


  16. Wow, love the silhouette photo. Just gorgeous!

  17. Those top two pictures are truly amazing...wow!

  18. I always love your photos! The colors in the first two photos are stunning. But all the photos do a wonderful job of capturing what looks like a great event! Deb @ RaisingFigureSkaters.com

  19. That series of photos really gave me a feel for the event but I kept wondering which event it was?

    Since I love sunrises and sunsets, I love the first two photos, especially the silhouette one! Beautiful.


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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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