25 July 2013

Missing Marvelous

exquisite Italian dandelion

I was still experiencing wildflower withdrawals when I rode up Deer Creek Canyon and then around Chatfield Reservoir to build mileage recently. I didn't realize I was experiencing hot air balloon withdrawals, too!

Balloon withdrawals because at one time, Chatfield Reservoir hosted a wonderful balloon rally every August. Sponsorship was lost when the economy tanked, and only private concessionaires fly at Chatfield now. When the wind isn't blowing... Which it was this day. Leading to an early landing.

up, up and away

My heart soared when I saw the top of a balloon above the trees!

tally ho

I had to get closer!


once upon a time

Hey, what the heck?!?  You didn't even get off the ground yet!

NO! NOT YET!!! I'm not done taking photos!!!

Deer Creek Deer

This little lady ran alongside the cyclist ahead of me for quite a good distance up Deer Creek Canyon. We'd just watched "Dances With Wolves" the night before. So this day was "Dances With Deer."


bindweed shadow

Mrs. Micawber wondered during the MS-150 last month what the tall, white flowers alongside the road might be. I had to look them up.


Prickly Poppy. With an unwelcome houseguest.

red clover

Quite a few of these come up in our rennovated front yard garden. They came with the dirt. Along with various varieties of thistle and dandelion, curly dock and wild sunflowers. Initially, I didn't know what these leaves were, so I waited for the first blooms before pulling them. Before the blooms came, I realized the leaves were clover. I decided if they were pink, they could stay. They were white. So I pulled them. More are growing now. If any this shade come up, they get to stay.

to dye for

I want to dye with bull thistle. I've heard I will be thanked if I cut off all the seed heads I can find. But I will need at least a couple of pounds of them! What color do you think they will produce?

(That's why I am still attempting to dye with plants. Final color mysteries present just the right degree of excitement.)

And oh, how I long to dye yarn and fabric the color of chicory! One of my favorite colors in the wild!

chicory breeze




  1. Great shots as always. never seen a hot air balloon in real life. Dances with wolves was a really good movie

  2. I still think we got pretty close on the chicory yarn ... will be posting a pattern with it in a few weeks. :)

    Thanks for that flower ID too!

    Sorry your balloon got deflated - but I hope the ride was a good one.


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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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