25 February 2014

Heavy Medal

Heavy Metal

I've participated in the Ravellenics three times now, twice during Winter Olympics (oh, wow, can I use that word?!? ha ha!), and once during the Summer Olympics. I think it's about time I had a medal to show for my work!

So I made one!

The idea came from Astri over at AppleBlossomDreams. She made my Fjord Beanie the day after I published the pattern, and I told her she should get a medal. She said that gave her an idea, and her comment on my comment gave me an idea. The race was on!

Who finished first???

Heavy Medal

I had planned to finish Welcome to the Jungle as a WIP (Work in Progress) Dance project, but alas, the Ravellenics doesn't have categories for sewing or quilting. I also was pretty busy at work during this year's Olympics, plus, I do still have to finish that quilt by the end of March if I hope to submit it in time to hopefully be juried into the Denver National Quilt Festival.

As a result, this year's Ravellenic projects were not huge, and none were horribly time-consuming, most made aboard the train during my daily commutes. I'm pleased with what I was able to crank out:

9 snowflakes
1 beaded snowflake
9 snowflake rocks
4 hats
1 cowl
3 necklaces
2 earrings
1 natural-dyed hank of yarn
and a gold medal!

2014 Ravellenic Snowflakes

2014 Ravellenic Free Dance

2014 Ravellenics

Lollypop Beanie

Cold Shivers Snowflake


  1. haha wow that is neat, giving yourself your own medal, congrats haha

    1. Had to give myself my own medal this year, Pat. The Ravellenics coding still isn't up and running yet, so no one has received their medals yet. But, just like dragging out birthdays, I think there will be a big celebration when medals finally are awarded!

  2. What could be more fitting than this! Very creative.

  3. Wow!!! I magine you with a gold medal! LOL!

    1. Thanks, Michelle! I could have done silver; didn't think of that. But I couldn't do bronze. I don't have any bronze thread!

  4. A medal well-deserved! Very entertaining and a completely different direction than my silver and bronze. It fit right in!

    1. Thanks, Astri! I like what you did with your medals, even though they are different. And how cool that between the two of us, we swept the competition!!!

  5. Yes, a very well-deserved medal indeed. And I think you were pretty darn productive for the Ravellenics. Love that Lollipop hat - is that hand-dyed yarn I see swirling around? :)

    P.S. You used the "O" word! Gasp!

    1. I hang my head in shame, Sue! That O-word got by me!!! All the yarn projects I made this year are all hand-dyed, all natural-dyed, and all solar-dyed. Well, except for the hibiscus yarn. Hibiscus, fortunately, doesn't need any heat and turns gray when exposed to high heat.


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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