04 March 2014

Crossed Wires

If Only

I've long complained about choices in internet access where I live. I've moaned and groaned about having no signal most of the time, and I've gotten downright angry and frustrated at being cut off every ten minutes.

I recently read you can buy limited internet access in the Congo for $600 a month. In the Falkan Islands, you can get 4 GB per month for $119. Per month.

In Lebanon, the price is 60 times higher than other countries for only 2 GB per month. Antarctica pays $150 per month for 256 MB.

In Syria, you must wait up to six months to get hooked up after signing a contract, and less than two percent of the population has internet service. In Iran, high speed internet is available only to commercial firms, and the cost purportedly is high.

About seventy percent of the population of Kazakhstan with internet service is still on dial-up. In Nepal, less than two percent of the population uses the internet.

Only one provider exists in the entire country of Libya, and service there is minimal.

Okay, so maybe I should stop whining so much about my own dial-up and the high price of faster services...

South Platte River Sunrise


  1. haha makes you put things in perspective indeed. I was reading on bora bora it cost $100 an hour for internet, hmmm no thank you

    1. OUCH! Yes, I definitely could go without internet at that price, Pat! Thanks for further helping me be grateful for what I've got!

  2. I am so thankful that I live in the USA! For now we enjoy one of the best lifestyles there is to have....we are truly blessed.
    No wonder everyone wants to come here, if I lived in another country I would do my best to get here, too! God bless the USA!

    1. Right on, Stitch! Can't be said enough or shouted loud enough!

  3. I hate paying for my internet service from Verizon, but would hate to not have it. I saved the picture of the deer because it would make a great grapghan!

    1. You will have to show me your graphghan when you finish, Charlotte! I think that would be really pretty, minus the wires, of course... :)

  4. Well said, SC! My brother and his wife live in Kuwait City, and it's costly and difficult to get internet service there too! Spectacular photo! Take care!

    1. Thanks, Fundy. I'm so sorry your brother and his wife have to struggle with this; it must be much worse (and more expensive) there than in the boonies outside a major metro area...

  5. I guess it's all a matter of perspective ... like most things in life.

    I was feeling so sorry for myself over the long winter and the cold weather that I re-read "The Long Winter" by Laura Ingalls Wilder (thought it would give me some perspective, and it did). Now I feel that we have it pretty easy, what with central heating and nothing worse than 20 below. :)


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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