07 March 2014

Friday Funny

Better Than TV

Cool! Humorous. Cute. Awesome. Neato. Magnificent.

These are all words that came to mind when a lone mule deer dallied in our yard while I hemmed a skirt. We saw him fertilize the garden, and we thanked him, through the window, for helping this year's garden. We saw him nibbling along as he explored every single thing. We didn't think a thing of it because it is winter. He's hungry. There's nothing growing out there, we thought.

Plus, he looked so comfortable and relaxed when he finished browsing.

I'm Full

Well, last weekend, we ventured into the frozen depths of the backyard to determine wind damage after two solid days of 80-mph gusts. My dye pots are all still frozen. That's probably why they are still comfortably resting upon our retaining wall. They were too heavy for the wind to smash them into the side of our house.

Not so for a number of pots we'd hoped to plant more garden delights in this year.

Deer Doo

Then we checked the actual garden. Hyacinths and daffodils are poking up out of the ground in the front yard, which we see every day when it isn't covered in snow. Perhaps the tulips, daffodils, crocuses and grape hyacinths in the backyard might be making an appearance, too...

Chewed Grape Hyacinths

That darned deer! He munched on ALL my grape hyacinths!!!

Guess that's not too high a price for free fertilization...

The Nibbler


  1. He looks to be having a grand time, mooning you and eating whatever he likes, then having a quick nap

  2. As an afficianado of goat berries, an expert really, I highly recommend the deer's form of depositry. Plus, though I've never had one, grape hyacinths look awfully appealing. What can I say?

  3. All I can say is, I hope they tasted good!

    (Are grape hyacinths grape flavour?)

    He does look pretty relaxed there.... :)


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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