I pulled out my Cranston snowflake tree skirt panel in November, fully intending to finish and use it in December. After finally cutting the panels (I can't remember how long I've had these), I realized for the first time I would have to cut out the center of the snowflake to make a tree skirt.
So it didn't get done. I'm still trying to decide if I should make it into a tablecloth instead because it physically hurts to consider cutting out the center of this gorgeous snowflake.
I even cut out all the little ornament snowflakes! They are ready for next Christmas, or for whenever I decide what to do with them.

Have you seen what these snowflake panels are going for on eBay these days???

I thought I could do a little research and find out how long ago this snowflake panel was originally printed, but all I could find is that Cranston Print Works closed shop in the US in 2009. This (old) news made me so sad. Fascinating history, though, very much worth the read.

Another of the projects I wanted to finish for Christmas but didn't make time for was a Cranston cheater quilt panel for my mom, who loves carousel horses. I bought this panel so long ago I can't remember how long it's been, but I bought it specifically to make a quilt for my mom because I knew she would treasure it.

I've already sold off three huge batches of selvedges, and I've wanted to organize the mountain of strips remaining so I can get rid of them, too, but learning Cranston is no longer printing in America makes me want to go through the stash to find out how many more Cranston prints are lurking. I'll bet many if not all of the quillows I've made in the last 20 years were Cranston.

Not all of my panels are Cranston, however. I can't make a quilt for my mom unless I make one for my train-loving dad, too. This Elizabeth Studios panel is a more recent purchase, and it was on the to-do list in December but did not get done. Maybe next Christmas...

Buried beneath these undones are a couple of big finishes. Two years ago, I made something like 230 snowflakes for my Snowbike quilt and used only 110 of them in the actual quilt. All this time, I've had a mountain of snowflakes that needed to be stiffened. I've been doing about three old flakes at a time each time I stiffen new flakes, and right about New Year's Day, I finally got to the final three!!!

I am oh, so happy to report they're all done now! I can't even begin to explain how good this finish feels!!!

Last Year

The Final Three
Most of my snowflake stash went to Children's Hospital for the second consecutive year. The first time I donated flakes, I mailed them. This time, I walked them over on my way to the park and ride. I did not get to see the children receiving their flakes, but I got to see the staff's reaction to my gift, and I will never mail snowflakes to Children's Hospital again. I will always hand-deliver from now on! What a warm fuzzy on a cold day! I will never forget the joy these snowflakes created!

Stiffened Snowflakes in the Snow
Time for Me to Fly, a finished flimsy featuring one of my Spoonflower designs, is ready to quilt!

My final Tuesday night teaching the girls (and a few little brothers who decided to join us because of the awesome treats) was spent tying nearly 100 blankets for Children's Hospital. This has become an annual tradition here, and I expect I'll be invited back again next January to do it again, even though I'm not teaching anymore.
I used up the leftovers from last year's event to make two scrappy fleece blankets for this year's project.

My final quillow is done, although I didn't attach the quillow pocket to the back yet. I'm trying to decide if I want to...
This fabric, purchased some time back in the '90s, didn't include enough of the panels to make a pocket, but there was enough of what I apparently intended to use as backing to make a very plain pocket. The photo doesn't show it, but the pocket is quilted. I suppose I should go ahead and stick it on the back of the quilt because what else will I do with an 18-inch quilted block?

Last but definitely not least, I have finished the first quarter of my first paper-pieced block ever. I have paper-pieced hexies by hand, but I have never done this my machine. I watched four videos before working up the courage to give it a go. I had to rip out the third piece so many times, the fabric finally wasn't strong enough anymore, and I had to cut a new piece. This left a pretty sour taste in my mouth and made it difficult for me to WANT to finish the rest of the quarter, much less the entire block.
I think I'm finally beginning to grasp the concept, however, and I'm going to try to at least finish this block, even if I don't like it anymore and even if I swear off paper-piecing forever. The points do match up nicely. If I can improve my skill (and patience), perhaps it won't seem like such drudgery.

Linking up with Busy Hands Quilts, Crazy Mom Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
You always have so many on the go. That is quite the mountain of snowflakes too. Physically hurts to cut it out? Damn, may want to avoid the cutting lol
ReplyDeleteYes, mountains of snowflake at my place, Pat. That never seems to change. Although now they are done rather than waiting to be done. And I think I may go with Susan's suggestion below on the cutting...
Delete?Why cut a hole out of the center? It looks fine the way it is. By the time you've piled everything on top of it, who'd notice there wasn't a hole. =>/<=
ReplyDeleteSusan, I will definitely consider that. I've seen a few finished ones on the internet, and they all have the center cut out. It probably would work just fine with the center left intact...
DeleteSuch beautiful snowflakes that make into beautiful quilts. I enjoyed browsing your site.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Terry! I'm glad you took a look around!
DeleteWow so much going on. Love the snow flakes!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Cathy! I have a real soft spot for snowflakes...
DeleteThat paper-pieced block will be a stunner! I learned to paper piece many moons ago but didn't use it too often. It's great for really tiny elements with lots of pointy bits though.
ReplyDeleteLoved that train panel and the "snowflake tree"! Re the center of the tree skirt: could you maybe carefully cut it into six sections and somehow use them as appliques around the edge, in the spaces between the printed points? Or line the pieces and then attach them around the center opening for a two-layer effect there? Or even just slash around the center in six spots (well, four, really, since it's in two pieces) and face the top slashed sections so that those pieces stick up like a crown with the tree coming out of the middle? (Not sure I explained that last idea clearly.)
I get what you're suggesting, Sue. The slice and dice ideas carry the same rumblings of spirit and soul as cutting out the center. I'll either make a tablecloth or just not cut the center out, as Susan suggested. I just can't bear to cut it up. It's too pretty!!!