I stayed up late last Tuesday night trying to finish up a couple of blog posts. I thought I was all done for a couple of weeks.
Apparently, I shouldn't schedule blog posts when I'm tired, which I was. We'd just returned from an out-of-state wedding that was half flight and half road, and the flight leg of our trip turned out to be not the kind of non-stop we thought we'd be getting. Our two-hour flight turned into a six-hour ordeal each way when the airline apparently couldn't sell enough seats for the short flight and ended up triangulating a detour through a major city about 1,200 miles away from where we intended to go.
At least we didn't have to change planes.

Sunrise Aboard a 737
The four-hour road trip after getting off the plane on Day One and then again 38 hours later for the return trip back to the airport to fly home (via the big out-of-the way city again), left me just a little off kilter, I suppose. And well, the Wordless Wednesday I scheduled for tomorrow ended up posting the same day as another Wordless Wednesday that had already been scheduled. Yuppers, twofer the price of one. A double dip.
So does that mean I don't have to run another Wordless Wednesday tomorrow? Since I'm sort of one ahead???

My brother got wrangled into carrying all the purses while the female members of the wedding party got ready.
I didn't think so. Good thing I always have plenty of other photos, even though they might not all be recent.
One of the highlights not wedding-related was our first visit to Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. It wasn't a national monument when I lived there, and I wasn't a mountain climber back then.
Needless to say, our time was VERY limited, so we didn't get to explore, but we were serenaded (or scolded) by a curved-bill thrasher. This is not my movie, but I wanted to hear the song again because it was so spectacular. (A commenter on the video says the bill of this bird is not curved and therefor not a curved-bill. But the songs remains the same. Yeah, someone else made that phrase famous.)
I hadn't planned to write about the wedding, but there were moments that shouldn't be wordless. So perhaps all's well that ends well.

My brother frightened and shocked the bridesmaid by pretending she poked him when pinning on his boutonnière.
Another humorous wedding moment in need of words is the room service tray we found outside the groom's and best man's room the day of the wedding. Another wedding had just taken place, and the bridal suite down the hall had a room service tray outside the door that strongly contrasted what the boys devoured for lunch.

The hotel spelled my brother's and the bride's surname wrong.

The cute two-year-old flower girl was the center of attention most of the time. She often refused to cooperate with the photographer (which was not me, for this particular occasion). (But she didn't always pose for me, either...)

She was supposed to deliver the Unity Ring (a decorated hula hoop) to the bride and groom at the end of the ceremony, which was supposed to be outside, but rain poured and poured and poured. The flower girl wailed and wailed and wailed when the wedding officiator tried to take her hula hoop. So the bride and groom skipped that part of the ceremony.

I'd decided not to take the big camera and all the associated lenses because I wasn't the official photographer this time around, and I wanted to go light.
The smaller (all automatic) point-and-shoot camera is like a two-year-old wedding party member who doesn't always cooperate. It doesn't always know where to focus and doesn't care.
Yes, even photographers like me produce mistakes like that!!!
Nevertheless, the wedding was beautiful, the bride and groom are happy as can be, and I'm so thrilled to be home!

The kiddo sure looks cute as she goes down the aisle. Blurry even happens to you? Geez, no hope for me then haha Quite the contrast in food carts indeed. So the two for one was one and done?