Maybe one day I can be a famous amaryllis photographer...

I was pretty excited this year to have three new varieties to enjoy. I'd mail-ordered bulk bulbs, and many duplicates were given away as Christmas gifts.
I had to make a run to the local nursery right after Christmas because I used up the last of my indoor garden sage on a Christmas turkey breast (which Lizard then made into the most delicious sour cream enchiladas!!!), and the remaining plant decided to call it a day. I wanted to plant some more sage, and fast, because I use it all the time.
At the nursery, I found a box of unadopted amaryllis bulbs. Two of the standard red ones were trying to bloom, even though they had not been planted, and a solid white one had already bloomed and wilted, even though it never made it into soil.
There was one peach-colored bulb that didn't look all that healthy, which kind of made me want to take it home and nurse it back to health, but I'm running out of indoor garden space, so a bulb with packaging promising a pink amaryllis and the tip of a stalk already showing was the orphan I brought home. I'd gone to the nursery for sage seeds, and now I needed to buy another terracotta pot!
I cannot be trusted in the nursery any more than I can be trusted in a yarn shop or fabric shop!!!

Within a week, it was putting up a second stalk. I expected to have fresh pink flowers right around Valentine's Day! But stalk number one is putting on a show this week and trying to prove it's just as worthy as the Holland bulbs I ordered last year.

In the meantime, I'm certainly not going to run out of specimens to photograph!

Sounds like you'll have specimens forever haha At least you know where you can't be trusted.