Just one more day,
And shells will be popping away!
Freedom is so grand...
So thankful to be in this land!

Tomorrow we will sing
"Let freedom ring!"
But today we show
A birthday glow!

Fireworks may be done,
But celebrating sure is fun!
Must keep the feelings deep inside
And always let gratitude abide!

Taking time to enjoy home
After a big weekend full of roam!
Wish holidays could last a little longer,
Yearnings for the next celebration can’t get any stronger!

A walk in the garden Snowbow makes today
Looking for flowers to send your way
Something special to brighten your day
Something beautiful without delay

Flowers from Snowbow are in store
To help enjoy the day more
Blossoms never last long enough
But guarantee a happy puff

Daddy Bear provides a touch of shade
To help the heat of summer fade
Always has a smile to share
And a great big hug with country flair

Art is just a thought away
Creative energy surrounds the day
Give me the tools, and away I go
Drawing from all the skills I know

Roses are red
The sky is blue
This day is better
Because of you

Snowbow will not be shy;
Today the flag will fly!
Today will shine more by far
Because today you are the star!

Mom went somewhere so grand
But didn’t show me the special land!
Now greetings across the pond she sends
And I get photographed with imaginary friends!

Snowbow knows the words to most
Popular songs from coast to coast;
He can dance and he can sing,
But he’s no match for Steven’s zing!

Orange Tuesday is a day away,
Yet plenty of orange to be found today!
May your skies be gloriously blue
Filled with happiness all the day through!

Sunflowers and sunshine
And all that is fine
Bringing out reasons to smile
Throughout every mile!
And smile away at your bay. Daddy bear seems like a happy camper too haha