Summer winding down,
And for some that might bring a frown,
But autumn brings plenty to enjoy,
Color changes galore and less mercury, oh boy!

Stumbling upon plenty of bling,
Joyful wishes Snowbow brings!
Glitter and sparkles everywhere,
And soon aspen gold everywhere!

Flowers are fading along with the heat,
As summer is almost complete.
Here’s a timeless blossom for you,
Along with a wish for happiness, too!

Gotta find a mountain to climb!
Gotta write a novel to sell on Prime!
Need new batteries for the drone
Before heading to the wedding zone!

My mom and dad to the balloons went,
But all that time in the backpack I spent!
Your mom and dad went with mine,
But they let their little buddy sparkle and shine!

Just swinging around,
Good times to be found,
Forget all the strife,
Just spicing up life!

Nothing like a bad hair day
To chase bad luck away!
Humor keeps the world going ‘round
And makes so many smiles abound!

Friday the 13th fully in view,
And sporting a full moon, too!
You get the same rhyme as two others today
Because Mom couldn’t think of anything better to say!

A new little buddy soon to arrive,
Will make this union more alive!
One more little mouth to feed
Is sure to bring happiness indeed!

A basket of flowers for you, my friend,
A handful of happiness I send,
A pinch of fun I will include,
Along with a smidgeon of attitude...

Music lightens the soul,
Brightens the world whole,
Music such joy brings
When together everyone sings!

The spotlight's on you
For all that you do...
Return with honor then rush away
College is your new mission today!

A day late and a season short;
That’s certainly reason to snort!
Summer’s still clinging here,
Yet a few fall colors are beginning to appear!

Grab a blossom while you can!
Freezing snow will soon hit the fan!
Enjoy the final tidbits of summer
Before the long winter slumber!
Yeah, frowns may come and then some, but at least it's not the freezing snow. That stuff can surely go.