Pigskin season is here to stay!
Can't wait to get out and play!
Mom, a helmet I will need,
Of blue and silver your brother will plead!

Flowers for the season may be done,
But I picked a bunch and saved you one!
Hold on tight as temperatures dip;
Plenty of time before winter’s grip!

It’s snowing here! Is it winter there?
There’s a hint of celebration in the air!
Oh, it's your birthday? That must be why
These tiny gifts are falling from the sky!

A song for the heart this chilly day
Makes me want to sing away!
Nothing can warm quite like a song
And put smiles right where they belong!

The prettiest blue I could give you
Was frozen when a storm came through.
Snowflakes instead were left in place...
Would they leave a smile upon your face?

Flowers without fragrance are like
Trailed mountains without a hike;
But flower photos must do
When I am so far away from you!

Leave it to me to find out late
I have missed an important date!
Whip me with a flower or two,
Then enjoy this blossom for you!

Graceful I most definitely am not;
I won't even give it a shot!
Yet that won't stop the smiles I send
Across the miles to my friend!

The slopes are ready,
But snow's not too steady;
Here's a wish for more to fall
So you can go and have a ball!

Notes are dancing in my head
From the time I get out of bed!
Music makes the whole world sing
And softens almost everything!

Fiber, fiber in the air,
Artworthy fiber everywhere!
Catch it and spin it, oh, so fine!
Knit it or crochet it to really shine!

Autumn leaves surprised us this year,
Freeze-dried overnight in cold severe.
Treasures elsewhere may be found
When hearts of gold freely abound.

Indoor flowers aren't so bad;
Through dark storms, they are such a fad!
A dream of warmth, a thought of spring,
Flowers in winter brighten everything!

Hoops are here, it's time to play!
Time to shoot every day!
Dribble here, pass there,
Protect your knees with all due care!

I can't decide if I should paint,
Or with a new craft I should acquaint...
I could always knit or weave,
Or other fibers arts I could conceive!

I miss the road, I miss my bike,
There's nothing better that I like!
Get me through this working day
So I can freely soar and play!

I hear the links begin to call
As the snow begins to fall.
Time to find a warmer place
And keep a smile upon my face!

Have camera, ready to shoot,
For photos I'm ready to scoot!
Just give me a flower as tall as me
So I don't have to get down on my knee!

Mom made me pose with this eerie guy
Even though I gave her the dirty eye!
Trick or treat!
You really owe me something sweet!!!
Happy Halloween!
haha stick with handing out flowers, we don't want snow to fall so the slopes can be ready. Those eerie guys sure get around too.