11 June 2020

Never Done

I recently heard some unusual bird chatter outside my bedroom window, which doubles as my Work From Home office during the day. I grabbed my camera and slowly tried to find and photograph the "new" species.

During the next three hours, I was able to witness mom and dad robin feeding four fully grown but obviously recently fledged youngsters! I didn't get shots, but I got to see one baby eat its own meal as a tiny little spider made the mistake of wandering by. I got to watch two of the young robins take their first bath.

It didn't take long for me to figure out mom's and dad's jobs aren't quite over once they have an empty nest. Sometimes it looks like the parents' work is never done!

And onions don't taste good.

Who knew robins could be so much fun!?!


  1. Enjoyed this very much. We have a mom and baby who come to our yard, I don't have to see them, but hear that young one, constantly chattering to mama for food. They appear to be full size, but have the spots, and little mouth is constantly moving and talking. Fun to watch. You did a nice job taking the video.

    1. Thank you, Faith! I so love to watch the birds!


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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