I was so excited when my first glads ever started sending up shoots! I had seen stems at the grocery store over the years, and I'd always been tempted to buy some and do time lapse photography. Now I could do it with flowers right out of my garden!
I clipped the stem with purple blossoms just hours before our September 1 snowstorm because I wasn't sure it would survive the cold snap. I put it in a vase and started the camera. I waited. And waited. And waited. What a disappointment!!! (It would have survived and probably would have bloomed had I left it alone!!!)
After two weeks of no radiant bloom equal to what was going on in the backyard, even after a 7-inch white blanket, I finally clipped another stem already blooming after the bunnies smashed it to the ground while eating greenery. I set this second stem up in front of the camera and got semi-respectable results. I think this one took two days.
The next day, I found two more glad stems on the ground, thanks to Peter Cottontail and family. I clipped them and put the purple one front and center on my purple towel stage. I let this one go for three days.
I can live with that third video. It didn't turn out so bad. Now I'm doing something much more predictable. My Christmas cacti were fooled by that snowstorm. I'll get the hang of this time lapse photography stuff eventually!

I think they're all amazing. Wow. What a treat to watch the blossoming happen!