I must have been crazy to think I could finish anything in November or December, when work is so busy I barely have time to sleep. The HSTs that took three weeks to square up sat on the spare bed for two whole months, claiming no attention from anyone.
I couldn't even finish two quick and easy pairs of matching fleece jammies for Lizard and me in time for Christmas! Or the two bandanas I cut out for Lizard way back during the summer, before I knew it will be a full year (and possibly longer) before he can even try to get back on his bicycle.
Oh, well. He will love the bandanas whenever they get finished. And our first matching jammies Christmas photo will be fashionably late, but will be just as beloved when done...

Apparently Debby Kratovil didn't do a new Block/Pattern-A-Day calendar for this year. Now that I'm thoroughly addicted...
Incidently, 2016 was the first year I received one of Debby's calendars. I have every year's edition since then. So the 2015 version has been on my wishlist for a while. And that's where it will stay, as long as it's priced in the same range as an heirloom handmade quilt or a new embroidery sewing machine or a new Windows 10 computer. (All of which would outrank an overpriced expired calendar on any list of priorities.) Ha ha ha!

I am not sure which of the block-a-day calendars I received first, but I think the 1999 Nancy Martin perpetual block-a-day calendar might be my oldest. I think I received it several years later, but it's still been a very long time since I've had it on my computer desk, so it was a prime candidate to be drool worthy this year.

Debby's 2007 calendar was in the running, too, because it's perpetual and may be used in any year.

But then I found Katja Marek's New Hexagon in my project-a-day calendar stash. (My stash includes a crochet calendar, an embroidery calendar and a knitting calendar, too.) I think I bought the pertpetual hexie calendar right after it was released in about 2016 or 2017, but I already had the above-mentioned Debby calendars out, so this perpetual gem was set aside. Perhaps 2021 is the perfect year for me to take on a hexie block a day. How I'd love to be able to complete a block a day! Even if I couldn't keep up after a month or two. I missed doing Moda Blockheads 3 this year (which is less demanding with a mere block a week), but I've saved every pattern and can't wait to start working on it one day, as well as the Blockheads 2 project still waiting to be finished.

So just as I settled on the hexie calendar, I found a reasonably priced, used but in great condition, Kratovil calendar from 2010. 2010 began on the same day of the week as 2021 and neither includes a leap year day. So now I have TWO block-a-day calendars on my computer desk. Let's hope they inspire me instead of intimidate me!

Intimidate. That's about what 2020 did to me, as far as WIP progress goes. I wasn't even sure I would try to enlist in the WIP challenge again this quarter. I haven't had much internet time in the last six months, and the last two months have been wicked crazy busy. I survived the final 14 days of 2020 by promising myself I wouldn't take on too many challenges in 2021.
But the WIP quilt challenge itself is yet another addiction, and it keeps me accountable. So I've taken on the challenge once again. Let's hope I'm not as invisible this time around!
Here is my unchanged WIP list for the winter quarter:

1. Hawaiian Punch

2. Lizard Toes

3. Hexie Booboo

4. Tickled Pink, the Sequel

5. Teal Shadows

6. Goodbye Hollyhock Road

7. Snowflake Strip Bar

8. Green Floral Batik Postage Stamps

9. Giant Dahlia

10. Showcase

11. Snowbike II

12. Time for Me to Fly

13. Venetian Squiggles

14. Moda Blockheads

15. Tiny Triangle Leftovers

16. Matthew's Quilt

17. Charming Painterly Petals

18. Green Batik Leftovers Quilt-As-You-Go
Linking up with Alycia Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
That is neat that you found one that has the same dates as this year. And pffft. That is rather pricey for the 2015 one. Wow. And yeah, things will get done when they get done. Just have to keep on keeping on.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know there are quilt calendars for each day. It must be for retired or otherwise bored people. ;-) I'm sure you will find a lot of inspiration. Who says you must finish the calendar in one year ...
ReplyDeleteDon't push yourself with the WIPs. The older I get the more I think it's all about the process and not the product. :-)
All the best for 2021. I am positive.
You have some lovely projects heading to the finish line. Good luck with them.
ReplyDeleteHow cool that you could find a calendar that mimics the dates this year! and all those WIPS - they are just gorgeous and patiently waiting for you, no stress, to enjoy working on each one! No worries what you didn't finish.... it will wait! I would have a hard time picking which one to start on tho!