How much snow did we get? I bailed 30 gallons of water from the naughty window well on Thursday, and I bailed another 45 gallons on Friday. The water in the window well finally began receding Saturday, so I did not have to bail again. Thank heavens!
One of the cool things about bailing, even though it is not my favorite task, is the stairclimbs I have to do in order to dispose of the water. We bought a pump a while back so we wouldn't have to bail anymore, but my tomato plants were in the way, so I did it manually. I thought I could use the exercise.

I can carry only one gallon at a time these days, so I in essense climbed the stairs at the building where I work downtown to the 30th floor on Thursday, and I reached the 45th floor on Friday! Only three floors on Saturday, and I'm not complaining!!! Ha ha ha! I don't think I've climbed more than 14 flights (in the parking structure at the building where I work when I am downtown) in more than two years. A portion of the interest in the building was sold back in about 2018, I think, and current building management does not allow stairclimbing.
But, I'm not downtown anymore. I'm still working from home and expect to continue that a bit longer. So I did not have to drive at all during Xylia, our fourth biggest storm in history. (I think I'm going to have to name a snowflake after that storm!) I got to stay home and watch the snow accumulate.

I had shoveled our driveway (sometimes with the help of wonderful neighbors) four times before the snow quit, but I tried to keep a couple of areas pristine so I could measure when it was done. I measured 17 inches at our back door, but it's somewhat protected and covered. The wind was really ripping, and we had some three- and four-foot drifts. It was a wonderfully heavy, wet snow, so it began settling (and losing inches) very quickly, especially when the sun came out.

I decided the covered bird bath would provide the most accurate measurement, but I couldn't get to it for four days. I finally measured on Friday, and the bird bath is 21 inches tall. Good to know for future storms.
Some homeowners in the area reported 34 inches, which was the forecast. I didn't measure the water in the window well, but I guess I should have. It's kind of fun to explain how I came up with 75 gallons of snow...

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