I'd heard this year's grasshopper population could be one of the highest density in several generations, thanks to multiple years of drought. Now I've seen proof.
We spent a couple of days on a sixth-generation ranch while visiting the family of my newest grand, a cutie pie born just a week prior to Lizard's back surgery. We've been anxious to meet this little guy since late last summer and jumped at the chance, even though recent changes to Lizard's meds have been a major upheaval and even though we knew we would be encountering some record high temperatures on the plains.
As well as grasshopper swarms the locals describe as "biblical".
I am no fan of grasshoppers, and I've seen a couple of heavy infestations in my day. But nothing like what we just saw!
Because I've been beyond swamped with work and physical therapy the last few weeks and because we had no internet during our first big (but very brief) road trip in more than two years, I have no snowflake pattern to share this week. But I can't help trying to find humor in a situation over which we had no control.
Best part of the pestilence: grasshoppers appear to be a delicacy for meadowlarks!!! Go, Meadowlarks!!!
Humor aside, we have joined in the prayers for rain in all the drought-stricken areas.

I have not seen one in years and years. That first picture...interesting is it....grasshoppers? It a pretty design.
ReplyDeleteWe are SO over them!!! We made some organic mix of things and it has helped keep them off the trees - but out in the pastures - they just hang out in the shade are are awful!!!!