The quilt I'm calling Opposites because it's black and white on the front and super colorful on the back has a ton of negative space -- if I quilt it from the front. I thought it would be the perfect quilt to practice my longarming.
I'd watched a YouTube video that encourages beginners to keep going, even when they make mistakes, because it takes a long, long time to be perfect. I learned I need to do more than practice drawing shapes, which I have done. I need to practice putting my whole arm and body into the drawing.
So that's exacty what I'm doing.

Sometimes what I'm doing looks okay.

And sometimes it looks pretty darned sloppy.

The worst part was accidentally catching my leader into an impromptu quilt sleeve around the back bar of the longarm frame.

Now I have a bunch of thread ends to bury and a bunch of short areas to redo, which will require even more thread ends to bury.

But knot practice is good, too, right?!? Ha ha!

Linking up with Alycia Quilts and Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
I am thinking it looks Great!!! and yes you do have to practice a lot - but isn't it fun!!!