538 days ago, Lizard completed what we both feared would be his last ride ever, shown above. Back in August of 2018, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's, possibly early onset, but his cycling had held it at bay. By the end of 2018, the Parkinson's forced him to retire from his job.
The key to Parkinson's is staying active. We tried SO hard to do just that. But knee pain was robbing him of his ability to walk, as well as pedal. The Parkinson's began to take a higher toll by the month. A new knee was scheduled for September, but pre-op resulted in yet another diagnosis, as well as a surgery delay. Lizard also has Graves Disease.
His thyroid was normalized by December, and the new knee was installed. The surgeon warned us the trauma of surgery might make the Parkinson's worse. It did. But we were so happy to be able to walk together again, and we had great faith and hope Lizard would be able to ride again one day. We even thought, not knowing what 2020 would become, we might be able to be back on the bikes and in shape to Ride the Rockies for the 35th anniversary tour, which would have been that June. The ride got delayed until this year, just like everything else in 2020.
Lizard did, however, get back on his bike after months of physical therapy. We were trying to increase our mileage so we could do Ride the Rockies. We still had no clue it would be postponed a year. By April 29, 2020, we were up to 13 miles. Progress was slow, but 13 miles was better than sitting on the couch! But at the end of that ride, Lizard couldn't get his leg over the bike to dismount. Words cannot describe the fear that enveloped both of us as within days, he was unable to walk.

I thought it was the Parkinson's. Our neurologist, like all other doctors all over the state, was unable to see patients in the office until about June. We had a few telehealth calls to discuss the rapid progress of the Parkinson's, but some things just can't be diagnosed over the phone.
The day our neurologist was able to see patients again in his office, he called and asked if we could come right in. And that we did. He ran a few tests, and he determined back pain was the culprit.
Another surgery, along with another warning the trauma might cause the Parkinson's to get worse, was scheduled for August. Lizard got a new back. He had to learn to walk again. And he had to learn to ride his bike again. He had to learn to talk loud again. He had to learn to sort again. He had to learn to work a computer and a phone again. There's still much to be done, and we work on his skills, his balance, his gait and his voice every single day.
There are days when he isn't sure he will ever get back what he lost. And he may not get it all back. But he's not giving up the fight.

He sometimes watches his old GoPro descents for motivation. He even pulled out the old GoPro to see if he can get it working again. In June of this year, he was finally able to get back on his bike. He rode to the stop sign and back while neighbors who stayed nearby just in case we needed help cheered and built his confidence even more. Within a couple of weeks, he was trying to ride up Waterton Canyon again. On September 11th, he finally was able to make it to the top of the canyon.

We've learned we truly can't take big bites yet. We'd learned in PT we can't increase distance or effort by 10% each ride or even each week. We have to increase every six weeks or so. But the more Lizard rides, the better he feels. The more active he becomes, the more we're able to control the gruesome tremors and restless legs. His balance is improving. His legs are getting a little stronger. And he's still relearning what LOUD therapy taught him a year ago. Parkinson's skews everything and makes him think he's yelling when he's merely mumbling softly.

We spent a week in Grand Junction with his family last month, and for the first time since April 2020, Lizard was able to ride every day. Only three to six miles, but better than sitting on the couch! It's something we try to continue now back at home, but my work often gets in the way. Soon, weather is going to be the biggest hurdle.
I got the bright idea in Grand Junction to try to get a shot of Lizard with an airplane soaring above him. I'd done a similar shot of my son in Alaska back in the 1990s, and Lizard was game to try. He LOVES aircraft!
We weren't able to be in the right place at the right time, thanks to restless legs and what may have been flight delays, so I photoshopped a jet into the photo, and you can darn sure bet we'll be trying to do this for real next time we're back in canyon country! For now, the photo gives him lots of reasons to keep trying and to keep riding.

Last weekend, Lizard was ready to try once again the very same trail he thought had ended his cycling passion last year. Initially, he wanted to park in a different spot to begin the ride because he was afraid the same lot might jinx him. I convinced him the parking lot is fine, the bicycle is fine, the trail is fine, and he is fine. We could do this!
And he did!!! He rode six miles on the trail he was afraid he'd never be able to ride again. Many of our rides these days wipe him out for a day or more, but he's sleeping better than he ever did last year, and when he's ready to get back on that bike again, his smile can light up the darkest day!
There is still so much going on in this world that keeps many from doing what they want to do and being where they want to be. There are so many things we miss, thanks to Parkinson's. But we aren't giving up. We're going to keep fighting this thing, and we're going to have wins. We might not be able to do another Ride the Rockies, and he might not ever be able to do another Triple Bypass. But if he can ride a few miles each day, that's better than sitting on the couch!

This is great news.
ReplyDeleteGute Fahrt!
truly inspiring!