My goal for this week was to finish the first three Moda Blockheads 2 QAYG blocks so I could show off the incredible joining method I dreamed up late one night back in 2018. I finished quilting the first QAYG block about two weeks ago and began crocheting around the edge, thinking it would take me about two nights to finish the simple double crochet mesh foundation stitching.

I finally finished the first block at 5:32 Wednesday night after struggling with the crochet edging for more than two solid weeks.

I've done crochet edgings on my sewing projects before, but I've never had one give me as much trouble as this one did.

My Most Recent Crochet Edging Finish, a Christmas Snowflake Skirt
My previous crocheted edgings have been mostly on clothing. So I wasn't working with (or through) batting. I'm guessing that's why this one has given me such headaches. And, literally, hand aches and finger aches. Before I even finished edging the first side of this oversized block, I decided I need to find a different way to do this because I will never finish if every block takes me this long. Plus, it takes the fun out of a unique project when it's so difficult.

Right now, I just want to take a very long vacation from this project. I'm tempted to hide it away where I won't find it for years!!!

But I've been so excited about my idea for joining the blocks for so long now, I just can't stop working on it yet. Thankfully. I will try something different on the next block to make sure I have a better way of crocheting around the quilted block.

Linking up with Alycia Quilts.
I think it's lovely to combine patchwork with crochet. You'll find a solution .... Have a nice Sunday!