21 August 2017 Great American Eclipse
Thursday, May 26, is the 168th anniversary of Frederick Lagenheim shooting the first photo of a solar eclipse.
On May 26, 1854, Langenheim and his brother took interval-timed pictures of the first American total solar eclipse ever photographed. Eight phases were recorded. The seven surviving photos are owned by the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The photos are very small, from an inch and a quarter high by an inch wide to just over two inches high by nearly two and a half inches wide. Six daguerreotypists and another photographer also photographed the eclipse, but only the Langenheim images survive.
Lizard and I were able to shoot the 2017 solar eclipse very near totality prior to his Parkinson's diagnosis. Because he was still whole then, he was able to thoroughly enjoy the event, the first solar eclipse he'd really paid much attention to, and it remains one of the highlights of our many adventures together.
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Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)
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