It's Palisade peach season!!!

We couldn't make a trip west, but our dairy was offering bushels of fresh peaches, so we partook! And everything at our house right now is peachy keen!

They say the way to a man's heart is via his stomach. My Lizard LOVES peaches! And I am so happy to oblige!

He recently told me all the stuff I make with no sugar tastes so good. He said most stuff made without sugar has no flavor, but that my baking and cooking tastes awesome. Pretty darned cool for someone who had no sense of taste or smell for about 15 years, thanks to an undiagnosed case of Parkinson's. Four years of daily tablespoons of manitol in plain yogurt (along with fresh fruit) has brought back just enough of both that he can enjoy the lavender in the garden (and in Epsom salt soaks) and the homegrown chilis and Palisade peaches in the dining room!

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)
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