I was a little disappointed with my Christmas cacti November through February because I got only a couple of blossoms. Well, they certainly are making up for lost time now!!!

The hoya plants I trimmed last year, because their overpowering blossoms were a bit intoxicating for us, are doing it again. Within about three days, more than 10 umbels appeared, and within a week, the number had doubled. Now they are all opening at the same time, and in the evenings, oh, how sweet but overwhelming. I think I may have to trim off some of the nodes.

Meanwhile, the cuttings I transplanted last year also are doing grand. If they all start flowering at the same time, boy, am I going to be in trouble. I keep hoping for a sunny, warm day, in which I can put the extras out on the driveway with a "Free to Good Home" sign. I promised to bring one to my mom next time I visit because she's never seen one, and she loves easy plants that flower indoors.

From the sale bulbs I bought during the winter and planted in pots indoors, I got five hyacinth stalks and one stalk of mini daffodils. All the other bulbs have green dots of growth, so they will flower at some point, but they may be waiting until I transplant them outside after it gets a bit warmer.

I have a friend here with a hoya plant. It always makes me think of you. :)