I thinned my irises last year because blooms were getting far and far fewer. I know they need space, and I know a mother that produces a daughter never flowers again. I didn't have any idea what I was doing, but I was hoping I was getting enough space in between the

I had only five or six of my 12 or so colors this year, but I had a lot of flowers. Perhaps next year will have more variety. Although I may thin yet again later this year.

After one particularly heavy rainstorm, some of my top heavy irises were laying flat on the ground. Kids in the neighborhood had fun surprising their moms with my cuttings.

And I had enough left over to fill a vase in my kitchen! I had NO idea irises were fragrant!

Such a lovely scent, too. I'm sorry the rain knocked these beauties down, but glad you and the neighborhood got to enjoy them indoors. In the old days people would make sachets of dried iris (orris) root.