01 September 2023

Friday Funny

We've had bears parading through our backyard the last month or so.

Spectacular chance for me to burn some calories running back and forth from window to window with my camera. A workout without a gym!!!

We also recently received our annual bushel of fresh palisade peaches.

It's against the law to bait wildlife, other than feeding the birds, I guess.

Yet I couldn't resist seeing how a bear might react to fresh Palisade peaches. In AI, that is...

You call those peaches?!?

Yummy, but not peaches.

No words.


Look at the length of his arms!!!


I guess that will have to do.


  1. Ummm Bears in the Backyard.... hmmm - that is a little close! but!! you bears with the peaches - oh they are SO cute!!!


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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