Now that I've freed myself of completing another daily year-long temperature crochet project (or actual fabric temperature quilt), I'm free to set new goals for 2024. I'm not one who shies away from resolutions, and generally, I can keep resolutions I make. Nevertheless, I have a few (self-imposed) obligations in the coming year, and one is coming up a bit too quickly.

I have set resolutions for Lizard, all with his approval. Nothing new; I've been trying to encourage him in these goals for the last six to eight or so months. I hope to get him walking at least once a day again, and we can work up to that at his pace. I am trying to get him to do his LOUD therapy every day. That one is a bit harder for both of us (for me because it's very difficult to enforce while I'm working, and that's his best time for doing it), but I won't give up. I want him to color or do some other finger therapy at least three times per week. He's been doing once or twice a week for going on two weeks now, and that's SO encouraging for me. I'm hoping he will be able to get back on his bike. Whatever he can do will be amazing. He wants to get back into his Parkinson's stretching routine on a daily basis. He was unable for nearly six weeks, so the one time per week he is achieving right now is an AWESOME accomplishment.

My one resolution this year (other than trying to get back into an exercise routine and lose a bit of weight) is to get back to sewing. I've missed it SO much. I was tempted to say SEW much! I have a ton of mending that needs to be done, I have fabric for dresses I can't wait to wear, one of my bosses is getting married in just eight weeks, and I'm going to be an aunt again twice this year. I have established contact with three more of my adopted kids' adopted kids (just three more to go!!!), and they need grandma quilts. And, one of the adoptive families to whom I have become "grandma" has adopted three more kids. They need quilts from their new grandma.

As a result, my goal this year is to finish nine baby/kid quilts. I really hope to finish a quilt for my soon-to-be-wed boss. I have yet to even pick a pattern for what was supposed to be my mother-i-law's quilt for Christmas in 2022. I also would like to finish one or two of the UFO quilts I've been trying to finish for more than a decade.

I would really love to work on my Moda Blockheads quilt from 2018-2019. That involves crochet as well as piecing, quilting and binding. Part two of the current Blockhead project just started up, and I'd really like to finish off one of my existing blocks each week of the current Blockheads. I don't know if that's a doable goal (didn't get one done last week), but hopefully I can at least make a bit of progress on what I think will be a stunning quilt when done.

I designed my 800th snowflake late last year. I guess I have a goal now of 1,000. I don't know if I can make it that far. However, especially during times of crisis, I've discovered snowflake crochet is my solace. My goal for this year is a new snowflake each week (or finishing up the pattern for one of my unpublished patterns in my shrinking stash).

Because my ability to complete an actual Block a Day quilt is impacted by Lizard's health struggles, I instead would like to design a new crochet snowflake design each day I am able. I would LOVE to do a Flake a Day, but I know I cannot reach that goal in our current circumstances. If I give myself wiggle room and don't put as much pressure on myself, my Flake A Day When I Can project can stay fun, and hopefully I won't get discouraged if I get too far behind. I have all these wonderful snowflake photography books (plus my own snowflake photos), and I'd love to be able to pick one photograph each day I'm able and create a crocheted version. We're already on Day 9, and I've started only one. So, as I said, I've got to keep this fun and not put too much pressure on myself. Just do what I can when I can.

Goal setting for me is fun and motivating, as long as I keep my expectations realistic. I can't set goals like Ride the Rockies anymore, and I doubt I will get any more 14ers. But that doesn't mean life can't be rich and rewarding. I made myself so proud last year with my digital snowflake temperature quilt. My goals this year are to keep caregiving, and to keep creating, even if I can't create every single day. The end goal is a smile at work well done, and I think I can do that!

It's good to have goals, and good to be contented with doing what you can when you can. Much love to you and to dear Lizard.