All I've got to show for the last week is finishing the last of my 2023 digital temperature quilts. I like the color scheme on this one, and I like the design. I've now seen a photo of another actual temperature quilt that was done with circles inside squares, and although I don't have time to daily piece or quilt something like that right now, this idea definitely will stay fresh in my imagination.

My 2024 digital snowflake quilts are coming out AMAZING. Add these to my list of fabric quilts I'd love to piece, appliqué and quilt for real one day.

I did stitch between a few rows of my Spoonflower-printed 2023 snowflake temperature quilt, but it's a bear to work with! I do think it will be cute, and I might even be able to send it to my niece for her new baby next month. But I will have to really buckle down and work on it, because time is growing SO short!!!

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)
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