I've been stressing about this for quite a while now. Things at home are so traumatic. Thread is expensive. Glue for stiffening is expensive. Photography storage space is expensive. Technology can be such a pain. My eyes are begging me to stop straining them. And I'm just tired.

I've designed more than 800 snowflake patterns, so there are plenty from which to choose.

And that darned snowflake directory... man, that thing is a bear to maintain. More than an hour of tedious manual coding every six weeks. It's just not something my life needs right now.

I've known for a few months now this day was looming, but that doesn't make it any less painful. Because I'm not quite in a position to retire from my real job yet, I've decided it's time to retire Snowcatcher. It's been a great journey! Thanks for all the years, memories, inspiration, friendship and positive feedback! Spread kindness like snowflakes!

Click the April Fool photo to be taken to today's Snowcatcher snowflake pattern!
Cute post. Happy April 1st!