Back in March, I was elated when the first day of spring landed on the beginning of a new row on my 2024 seasonal digital temperature quilt. Yesterday, I finished spring and finished another row! This was not planned! I am so excited the seasons changed at just the right time!

I also finished two of my half-year fat quarter digital temperature quilts. I can't print them at Spoonflower just yet, but I cannot wait to meet my latest creations!

I'm still not crazy about the hot colors in the digital rainbow temperature quilt, but I love the solar eclipse and northern lights representations. I decided to keep going with a new digital rainbow temperature quilt for summer and fall for yet another fat quarter because I think it will be fun to design a project using both fat quarters.

Of course, the pièce de résistance is my 2024 digital snowflake temperature quilt, done in the same color scheme as my 2023 crochet temperature project. I won't start a new fat quarter using this color scheme, but I will finish the full year digital snowflake temperature quilt. And I just may have to make a dress or coat from this when done!

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)
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