29 August 2024

Two Months and Counting

My goal was to have two-month-old Melody's quilt in the mail by Monday. Last Monday. Actually, July 8. But life happens. I guess my revised goal is next Tuesday...

When I made the initial dozen blocks, I nixed using the blacks and grays in the Sweet and Plenty colorway. I didn't think they looked girly or babyish.

The quilt needed to be bigger, and I didn't like the options I had with the remainders of my jelly roll. I didn't have enough of any stash pink solid I could use as sashing. And I didn't want to buy more fabric. After playing with the blacks, I decided they actually add a little punch to an already cute quilt.

I'd planned to use the pinks, limes, aquas and whites of the remaining jelly roll strips to make the plain Jane back big enough. I didn't have two of anything but the grays. So I played around with the sashing, and I decided the gray in the colorway looks just as good as the black. Funny how different fabrics can twist and turn in your design when you're trying to use what you have instead of acquiring more!

Quilting has begun! Plain and simple with the domestic machine because Ringo hasn't been touched in a couple of years and probably needs routine maintenance. When the quilting is done, I get to repeat this whole color adventure all over again as I try to decide what fabric color/pattern I should use for binding...


  1. I think it's best to use what we have and not buy more. That's what patchwork is all about. The quilt looks fresh and will make a little girl very happy. :-)

  2. Isn't it interesting that I can comment now? I haven't changed a thing ....


Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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