Four down, one to go. Yes, I will have a touch of a second winter in each of my digital temperature quilts, making five seasons in each. I love how they are turning out, but I have grown weary this year of the project.

I'm so glad I didn't start a crochet or fabric temperature project this year. I've just been too overwhelmed with life changes this year, and I can't say the digital projects have been fun the entire year.

I'm so thankful I didn't give up. But I am ready for a break from the pressure!

That said, I do still have one more 2024 digital temperature quilt I haven't shared yet; I'm waiting until it's done because it's so unique. I think it might possibly blow you away.

The sad part of all my digital temperature quilts this year is I have to go back to heat wave colors today. Darn it! All my digital projects are gorgeous, but man, am I tired of our heat dome! Bring on second winter!!!

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