01 October 2024

Not Gone with the Wind

I should have taken a photo the day I rescued the huge branch of cosmos that was leveled by 60 mph winds a couple of weeks ago. All buds. I didn't know if they'd ever bloom. But I put them in a vase anyway and have kept it on my porch just in case there are garden helpers hiding in the skimpy leaves.

I also rescued a branch of eryngium or sea holly. That particular plant had been chopped down to make room for the tree cutters when we had to take down the gigantic poplar/cottonwood hybrid that was munching on the plumbing beneath our house. The branches I cut off back then lasted a long time in the vase in my kitchen, but the "flowers" never turned blue. (I hosed down those branches to relocate any garden helper residents because the power wash wouldn't destroy sea holly the way it decimates flowers.) I didn't know the plant would persist and produce a few more branches before next year.

I thought I saw a hint of blue in the sea holly over the weekend, so I closely inspected but found no trace of blue. Yet. I will give it more time.

The cosmos, though, have exploded with blossoms! And they seem to last a very long time! Every day I check the vase on the porch and am so pleased to see twice as many blossoms as the day before! What a wonderful way to close out summer!

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Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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