(affiliate links to my designs)
I got about two months into my 2024 digital snowflake temperature quilts when I realized I had not made them big enough to record the entire year. I was able to add rows to most of this year's projects, and a few will go into January.

I must have forgotten to add a row onto the batik digital temperature quilt because it's done now. Although I wish I had added that extra row or two, it's not that bad as is. And it's delightful to be done with one. I've had difficulty keeping up with the digital projects this year, thanks to changing life circumstances. But I'm on the home stretch. Just two more months of 2024, and then maybe a few days of 2025. I may take a temperature quilt break next year. Temperature quilts are so much fun and so visually stimulating, but they can also be such a chore!

Here we go again! I decided last night to add one more row to two sides, which means my 2024 digital temperature quilt daily pressure has not changed!!! But, perhaps this will change the batik project up a bit and give it a whole new look...

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)
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