It feels a bit refreshing and yet sad to not engage upon a new year-long commitment tomorrow. I'm not tired of temperature quilts. I'm still quite thrilled by them. I still look forward to the day I can do a real fiber temperature quilt, either yarn or fabric. At this point, either would suffice. But I have to be realistic.

2024 ranks right up there with 2020 to me. There are so many blessings, and we've come so far. But this was a really hard year, and quite frankly, I'm grateful it's almost gone. Don't let the door slap ya on the behind on your way out.

So, what are my goals for 2025?

I haven't even thought about it yet. I guess I want to read scriptures to Lizard daily. I want to keep up on his speech therapy. I want to keep up on his physical therapy. I'd like him to start coloring again. I'd like him to start blogging again. We've started walking daily again, and I want with all my heart to stick to the calendar on that. I'd like both of us to get back on our bikes, even if only around the block. But more frequently than once every two months or three months.

I was never anti-resolutions, and I don't think I am now. But I'm afraid to set any personal goals right now other than these because Lizard is my priority. When it comes right down to it, none of the yarn, fabric, photos or computer keystrokes mean diddly squat if it means redirecting my attention away from him. So I guess that's my resolution for 2025. I'm going to be there for him when he needs me. And for now, that's enough.

All the best to you and Lizard. May your wishes come true. xxx Regula