I tried my hand at craft fairing again last December, and although it was not a great experience, I did dip my crochet hook back into the amigurumi pot for the first time in what feels like forever.

I kept seeing these cute little hedgehogs that were just irresistable. I came up with a pattern, and I made a handful. I sold one. Many people said they were adorable. But they did not sell.

That's only part of the story, though. My first hedgehog was a big fail. It stares hopelessly at me every time I get on my computer because I placed it at the base of my monitor. I don't know what else to do with it. It's pretty useless. But I can't bring myself to cut it up to reclaim the glow beads. :)

My thread chickens, however, DID turn out adorable. I didn't sell a single one. But man, are they ever cute!!!

Every time I've ever made amigurumi, I've always had to try a thread version. The hedgehog was the first one that just didn't work.

Maybe I'll try again one day. This time with smaller beads...

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