13 March 2025

Fiber Fun

I am SO far behind! I feel like I'll never catch up!

Little Miss Unicorn's birthday is next week, and she informed me last weekend she'd changed her mind and wants an arctic fox instead of a unicorn. I don't mind at all, but the fox still isn't done yet, and oh, my goodness, the weekend is coming up way too fast! (I am planning to give it to her on Sunday...)

The newest WIP is no longer a WIP! Except it is... I finished it... YAY!!!!!!!!!! But the triangular shawwl is about six inches too short in the shoulders. I'm trying to figure out if I want to add one row on each side to give it a tad more wrapping power or if I should extend two columns on the top with a sort of V-neck because the back is already plenty long enough. Dilemma, dilemma, dilemma. I didn't want it to be a WIP, but WIP it will be until I can figure out what to do next.

I also need to finish a new snowflake (and pattern) for next Monday. I really need to do one for the following Monday, too, because I doubt I will have time next week. I need to finish a western-themed baby quilt for the bundle of joy who will be arriving across the street in about six weeks. And I need to finish my mother-in-law's quilt because I don't know how much longer she will be able to appreciate it. I cut out two dresses so I'd have something different to wear to church; I already had one in progress I haven't touched since the last update. Now I have three unfinished dresses screaming to be finished so they can be worn. The garden is beginning to call. The laundry never stops calling.

I want to make more homemade bread. I made my first dough in years, and it wound up as fry bread because the yeast didn't rise. (Great Navajo tacos!!!) I made sure my second attempt had good yeast by proofing it first, and we had two loaves of the most delicious fresh homemade bread. I think we finished the bread in less time than it took to make it. I didn't use eggs, as I did decades ago when I made bread all the time, because all the YouTube videos say you need just flour, salt, sugar (I use honey) and water. (I watched YouTube videos because it has been so long since I'd made bread, I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing.) My homemade bread had much better structure when I used eggs. So next batch will include eggs. But where on earth will I find four more hours???

Oh, and I want to shoot the eclipse tonight, but we're expecting a blizzard. Of course. Maybe I can shoot snowflakes instead...

lunar eclipses from 2011, 2014, 2015 and 2019

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seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
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