04 March 2025


Last year, I reported (both here and on Farcebook) scam ads with fabric, yarn and sewing machine "sales" just too good to be true. You'd think I'd have been wise to Round 2 this year.

I donated quite a bit of stash yarn to a senior center that crafts winter items for veterans years ago. Much of what was left was ruined in one of my frequent basement floods. (Finally fixed for once and for all last year.) Ever since then, I've sort of been hoping for a yarn sale which would allow me to replenish at least a bit of my stash. You know, just in case I ever decide to do a real temperature afghan...

So when I saw the JoAnn Los Angeles ad (NOT on Farcebook) with awesome savings on fabric precuts and yarn, I assume my common sense got trampled by my wishful thinking. I'm not sure there was any kind of logical thinking going on in my brain at that moment. I can't believe now I fell for it. I can't believe I was that stupid.

The very next day, I was alerted by my bank of a foreign transaction. I didn't have to look it up. I knew which expense was being questioned.

I was able to get a refund. Hopefully the "merchant" is being blacklisted by financial institutions now. (Unfortunately, the scammers expect this and change names and websites frequently to keep the scam alive and kicking.) I will have to settle for a regular sale one day to replenish my yarn stash. All I can do is try to warn people not to make the same mistake. And perhaps keep warning. I don't think it's going to slow down or stop. It's probably going to get worse.

In my post-scam research, I discovered anyone can learn how to set up fake delivery schedules and notices. Unbelievable. I will never understand why anyone would put so much trouble and effort into hurting fellow human beings, but I guess that's the world we live in. All we can do is try to be smarter, and keep trying to make the world a better place. In spite of the trials and tributations.

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Dusty words lying under carpets,
seldom heard, well must you keep your secrets
locked inside, hidden deep from view?
You can talk to me... (Stevie Nicks)

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