11 March 2025

Hurry, Spring

I think this probably is my final amaryllis of the year. I've had wide-open flowers now since the second week of January. My best amaryllis season ever, I think.

I snipped each stalk and put it in a vase on my kitchen counter because the flowers are so top heavy, they can tip the pots over if I don't cut them. The flowers seem to last fewer days that way, but I don't have to replace broken pots. And who doesn't love a vase of fresh flowers in the kitchen while cooking???

My favorite bulb of all never bloomed this year. The picotee was my first amaryllis ever, and I bought it nine years ago.

I tried germinating my flowers the first couple of years and growing bulbs from seeds (which supposedly won't be true to the parent), and I even tried mixing a couple of different flowers after I began collecting different varieties. None of my own baby bulbs have ever bloomed, and none of the natural offsets (literally scores of them over the years) have ever bloomed.

None of my older bulbs bloomed this year. Some have bloomed while out on the porch during the summer, but typically producing only one or two flowers instead of four or eight. Amaryllis bulbs apparently do have a shelf life, and most of mine may be done bearing. It might be time to discard some of the older bulbs. I might give them all another chance this summer because it's hard to let go. These are like children to me! I've raised them so long, I'm too attached!!!

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